Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction/Avoidance Projects
- Methane capture
- Avoidance of Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions
- Recovery and utilization of waste gas
- Waste energy recovery (gas/heat/pressure)
- Fuel switching
- Renewable energy generation
- Energy efficiency improvements
Disaster Risk Reduction Projects
- Flood control countermeasures (e.g. dredging, river and estuary dykes, breakwaters, water diversion channels)
- Earthquake countermeasures (e.g. shear walls or bracing, steel jacketing)
- Landslide countermeasures (e.g. retaining walls, water run-off channels, boulder barriers)
- Forecasting and early warning system
Would you like to inquire further about these products and services? Call Customer Service at (02) 683-8324 or Email: